by pulseprotect | Jun 8, 2018 | Blog
Learning to drive and taking the car out for the first time alone is a right of passage for teenagers—and their parents. One of the most valuable lessons you can pass on to your teenager is the importance of safe driving. Teaching them that safe driving matters will...
by pulseprotect | May 25, 2018 | Auto Safety
Rear-end collisions are consistently the most common kind of accident that occurs on the roads. There are several reasons that rear-end collisions happen so often, including the unreliable nature of brake lights. Here are some of the reasons drivers are so likely to...
by pulseprotect | May 11, 2018 | Auto Safety
Did you know that 38% of accidents are rear-end collisions? According to the Department of Transportation, 90% of those accidents could be prevented if drivers had a single extra second of warning that the people in front of them were stopping. Pulse® is designed to...
by pulseprotect | Apr 20, 2018 | Auto Safety
You should always try to stand out and make yourself visible when you drive. You should do this no matter what kind of vehicle you drive, but it’s more important for motorcycle drivers. This is partially due to the fact that motorcyclists don’t have the same amount of...
by pulseprotect | Apr 6, 2018 | Auto Safety
Rear-end collisions happen every day all around the world, even though there are many ways to avoid them. Distracted driving is one of the most common reasons for collisions, and not leaving enough space between two cars leads to risky situations as well. However,...